Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard Thaitai Airline. The flight will take 38 minutes. To matain the quality, listeners are not allowed to watch video, or use any other electronic devices throughout the podcast. We will take off immediately. Now, please be happy and make sure to wear your earphones. This is a non-smoking flight, please do not smoke on board. I hope you enjoy the flight! Thank you!
◆ 交通方式:如何抵達美塞?
◆ 地理位置:邊境的河水流啊流~~
◆ 地方命名:清Chinag、美Mae開頭的地名
◆ 人口組成:龐大的華人群從哪裡移動過來?
Ladies and Gentlemen, This is Thaitai speaking. We expect to land at Maesai in 5 minutes. The estimated time of arrival wil be 7:00 a.m. The local time now is 6:00 a.m, and the ground temperature is 25 degrees Celcius. It’s a beautiful day, please be relax.
Before leaving , please ensure that you leave your comment on Apple Podcast or any other plaforms. I’d like to thank you for choosing Thaitai airline and I do hope you’ve enjoyed the podcast. Looking forward to seeing you in the near future. Wish you have a good day, thank you.
在離開前,請記得在Apple Podcast或各大平台留下您的五星評分與留言。感謝搭乘泰太航空,希望您收聽愉快,也期待很快能再次相見,祝福您有個美好的一天,謝謝。